Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Changing Plans...

Originally, my plan was to go up to Fifie and FeeFee’s this spring, and purchase my property of choice. There were lots and lots of them to look at, but there was one that was near them that was a prime piece…Lot 31. Unlike the others, it was already fenced on two sides…backing state property, already had electricity to the property line, and was near enough to Fifie and FeeFee’s ranch to make helping one another easier. The property also had elements I desired: gentle slope, heavily treed, potential areas for cabin placement, areas for other outbuildings, a largish garden area and small orchard, and ease of access. I already knew where the water came from, and the range at which wells were poppin’…so that wasn’t an issue when exploring the properties.

Someone else was looking at Lot 31, and we knew who it was. The possibility of him buying it before spring time was looming. So…I trekked up there the beginning of December instead of waiting for Spring. The drive from Illinois was a breeze…have done it many, many times over the years. . . though never in the winter. Once I got to NM, a snow storm hit. Snow was heavy, roads were pretty slick, and people were running off the roads all over the Interstate. I was on the road that morning for…oh…maybe three hours when I had to turn around and stop for the day. Found a hotel that allowed large dogs…Gracie was traveling with me…and took a down day from driving. I was able to finish the drive the next morning, but after two days of heavy driving, it was nice to have that down day before getting to Fifie and FeeFee's.

Gracie liked having a bed all to herself! Yeah…she’s pretty spoiled.

I used to love long distance driving…even packed up my house once and took off driving/camping around the US and Canada for about 5 months once. I don’t like it so much now. Oh…not that I want to fly anywhere, ‘cause I like that even less, but I found this drive not to be as enjoyable as they once were.

Anyway…as you know, I ended up purchasing my property during this trip instead of waiting for Spring. I looked at flat land, treed…no trees, even a piece perched on the side of a small mountain. All of the land up there is undeveloped, however, some of it has available electricity, and some probably never will. The properties that never will were, unfortunately, out of the question. While I want to eventually install a solar system, for the first two years I’ll be putting all my funds into building the cabin, outbuildings, and getting a garden/orchard started. I wanted the option of having electricity during that time period.

Plans…right? I can make plans, but I can’t plan the outcome! I’m well aware of that…particularly as it applies to this rural area of NM. So…I’ll continue to plan, to make goals, and even to implement them…knowing that Murphy will throw that wrench into the deal on a whim. Fifie and FeeFee assure me that will become the norm living up there.